Together, we enjoy learning in a happy, caring and friendly environment

Care, Respect, Share, Enjoy, Friendship


Our vision is for Higham Ferrers Nursery and Infant School to be an inspiring and exciting place which is innovative and forward thinking. We strive to create an environment and develop a community of children, parents and staff who work together effectively to achieve our school aims.


We want all our children to:

Be Happy and healthy

Become informed, respectful and responsible global citizens of the Future.

Nurture passions and talents

Love Learning; Become Independent lifelong learners 

Succeed: Achieve Individual Potential

Child-centred outcomes explained

Be happy and healthy

To enjoy their childhood and make informed, independent choices which promote their safety and personal health. To achieve Physical, Emotional, Intellectual and Spiritual well-being.

Become informed, respectful and responsible global citizens of the future

To have respect for others, including those who are different and an acceptance of other cultures, faiths and societies. To develop responsibility and respect for our community with a desire to preserve our environment and a willingness to make a positive contribution in the world.

Nurture passions and talents

To develop individual talents and area of interest and the confidence to excel in these areas. To understand the importance of commitment, teamwork and perseverance.

Love learning; Become lifelong learners

To be intrinsically motivated to learn and to find pleasure within discovery, inquisition and the acquisition of new skills, knowledge and understanding. To build the resourcefulness, resilience and reflectivity to overcome challenges and problems they face both today and in the future.

Succeed: Achieve Individual Potential

To achieve personal success within all areas of development in relation to individual starting points, building self-esteem and confidence to further achieve in the future.

Our Values

In 2014 we changed our school values in consultation with pupil’s parents and governors. Everyone at the time voted for the ones they felt most represented our school. The conclusion was overwhelmingly positive and as a result our whole school community values are as follows:

  • Care
  • Respect
  • Share
  • Enjoy
  • Friendship

This list reads well if it is phrased as ‘If you care, respect and share, you enjoy friendship’. 

The school now has a value of the week which links into assemblies and class lessons. The weeks value is displayed in the hall and the school office and will be relayed to you as parents via the weekly newsletter. Lunchtime supervisors, teachers and support staff give value beads to our children as a way of recognising when they are carrying out our values in day to day work and play.  All adults in our school community will also be expected to adhere to our values.

If you would like to know more about our values, please do not hesitate to ask your child’s class teacher.

Key Files & Reports

Contact Us

School Business Manager, Miss Gemma Wright

Higham Ferrers Nursery & Infant School
Wharf Road
Higham Ferrers
NN10 8BQ

Tel: 01933 312904
