The Curriculum at Higham Ferrers Nursery and Infant school 

At Higham Ferrers Nursery and Infant School we pride ourselves on our curriculum which is designed by our staff in conjunction with the children.

All topics have a "WOW day" within them and a "Fantastic Finish" to engage the children in their learning. The local area plays an important part and is integral to our plans. You can find our current topic overviews on each year group’s page on the website.

We always scrutinise our current provision to ensure that it is up to date and relevant. At the end of a school year the children are asked what they had liked and not enjoyed so much about the year. This is the starting point for a re-look at the topics being taught.

Staff examine coverage and progression, intent and implementation ensuring that one year group has built on what had been taught the year before.

Subject Coordinators check the progression of skills is evident through the year groups plans. They then monitor progress through book looks, observations and data collection (impact).

Integral to our curriculum is wellbeing and resilience. We are an Attachment Aware school. All staff have had training in 2017 -2018. We also use Protective Behaviours with the children. Both of these aspects are drip fed into staff meetings and training to ensure that staff are fully up to date and that we, as a school, have a positive and consistent approach to all our pupils. We have recently (June 2019) joined a Countywide TaMHs project to further develop mental health awareness.

We introduced resilience dinosaurs across the school and talk to children about keeping themselves mentally well. We carry out “rainbow of confidence” exercises from Nursery through to Year 2, this inspires a positive start to the day and a readiness for learning. Staff discuss children’s wellbeing and, for children about whom there is a concern, we run various nurture sessions that are led by our Inclusion Lead or Family Support Worker.

This section of our website is provided to help our Parents and Carers with how children learn at Higham Ferrers Nursery and Infant School. Being actively involved in your child's education is a very important aspect in how well they will learn and, so in our pages here, we provide you with areas such as downloads to show how we teach in Foundation Class and how we support your child in the basics of Numeracy. Many parents will find these downloads useful because they might not have been taught in the same way, leaving them wondering how they can help their child.

We also offer information on how you can ensure your child maintains a healthy lifestyle, through good diet and excercise, which we deliver at school and is great to keep going at home too!

You will find websites to visit with your child, each of which we know has been shown to help in learning and are fun to use. We also provide a number of support websites for parents and carers.

Supporting your Child's Learning

Often we are asked how we teach children the basics of numeracy and literacy. We use a variety of techniques supported by well trusted resources. This page holds some of those resources so that you can download them and become activley involved in your child's learning!

Contact Us

School Business Manager, Miss Gemma Wright

Higham Ferrers Nursery & Infant School
Wharf Road
Higham Ferrers
NN10 8BQ

Tel: 01933 312904
