Higham Ferrers Nursery and Infant School

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Wharf Road, Higham Ferrers, Northamptonshire, NN10 8BQ


01933 312904

Higham Ferrers Nursery and Infant School

Where little seeds grow into mighty trees.

Stronger together
  1. About us
  2. The Quality Mark

The Quality Mark

A visit from the Quality Mark and we got our 10 year award.

The Award

The basic skills Quality Mark is an award that celebrates and supports continuous improvement in literacy and numeracy. It is awarded to a setting or school to recognise their provision, practice and performance in literacy and numeracy and is valid for three years. A school must demonstrate a whole school approach to improving standards in literacy and numeracy, with evidence of the impact of its approaches. It provides a framework for self-evaluation and continuous improvement of the basic skills of all pupils in a school including those who under attain.

We gained our ten year Quality Mark award.

These are some of the things that were said: