Nursery Spring Topic

  Letter Home 17 May 2024  
  Hello Visitor,

Nursery Topic Letter – Spring 1

This term we are working on our topic of ‘All About Me’

We will be talking about ourselves, our families, where we live and the similarities and differences between us all. We will be celebrating our differences, other cultures and traditions. We will look closely at our features and begin to draw what ‘we see’, not what we think we know.
Chinese New Year is The Year of the Dragon (10th Feb) so we will be looking at how it is celebrated by reading the story, tasting noodles and prawn crackers as well as doing some art work related to the celebration. We will start that week with a ‘wear red’ day on 12th February.


We will be recapping the initial sounds s a t p i n throughout the term and do some activities related to these sounds. We will continue to encourage the children to find their name cards and begin to make marks to represent ‘writing’ their names. This will benefit them when they start school in September.

Our PSHE theme this term is ‘Celebrating Difference’ which will encourage the children to think about themselves, their abilities, their families and what makes them special. We will also teach and remind the children about the importance of ‘self help’ skills and independence like dressing themselves, using the toilet independently and of course, hand washing.

Physical Development

The children will continue to access the garden every day so please ensure they wear a coat to nursery daily. They will continue to play with wheeled toys, balls, climbing, sliding, trampolines and explore a wide variety of tactile trays.
In P.E the children will learn about strengthening their bodies using different Kinetic Letters animal shapes, if they talk about the sitting gorilla, meerkat, stone lion, lizard or penguin, this is what they mean. If your child attends on a Tuesday (PE day) I’m sure they will be able to demonstrate these poses. There will also be lots of opportunities for the children to express themselves to music, dancing both on their own and with props (such as coloured ribbons). We will be encouraging the children to travel in different ways learning about what their body can do.

Creative Development

We will continue to offer small world play, role play, construction sets and a wide variety or experiences that the children can make up their own story lines and develop the play at their own level.
There will always be painting, printing, drawing, messy, craft experiences available across the week, often linked to the topic or sound of the week. We will be taking a more focused look at drawing and adults will be demonstrating ‘how to draw’ with the children during this term.

Mathematical Development

There will also be mathematical activities linking to our topic. Children will be comparing and matching by size. They will be looking at similarities and differences in shapes, finding ‘the odd one out’ and explaining why. The children will also continue to count 1:1, compare quantities and recognise numerals.

In our phonics sessions, we will continue to learn our letter sounds and will be recapping s a t p i n. We will let you know the Sound of the week via Tapestry so that you can reinforce it at home. We are continuing to promote mark making and name writing.
We will also be talking about feelings, introducing happy and sad initially and thinking of different things that make us feel this way.

Important information:
Please remember to send in your voluntary contribution of £5 per term or £30 for the year if you haven’t already. This will help us with some of our future WOW days and exciting topics in Nursery. Thank you!

As part of this topic we may be asking for some pictures of the children, families, pets and homes. These can be printed out or sent via the school office for us to share with children. We feel that this would be a really good starting point for the children as these are familiar things that they will be confident to talk about.

However, this is optional and we will understand if you would prefer not to.

We have a mark making/writing area in nursery that we desperately need to stock with a variety of resources to engage children and make writing fun and purposeful. If you have any leftover invitations, old (suitable!) birthday cards, paper, notebooks, post-it notes, old diaries and envelopes we will gratefully accept them!

General Information:
• Proud Cloud: we would like to celebrate any of your child’s achievements with them. Write them on a post-it note with the date and we will give your child a certificate to celebrate this achievement. The information will then go into the child’s records. We celebrate all achievements which are meaningful to the child. These could be events such as sleeping in their own bed, being dry at night, giving up a dummy, swimming/dance/gymnastics/sports awards.
• Remember to name everything, hats, scarves, jumpers etc. Many of the children have the same items which means they can get mixed up easily.
• Please remember we only have a short time for lunch and some lunchboxes are very full. Please just pack what you know your child will eat, ensuring that it is a healthy content. We do not mind the odd treats but in moderation. Some children have a lot of sweet things and then think they have to eat them all.

Thank you for your continued support.

Mrs Farrell
Mrs Pedlar
Mrs Wingrove

Higham Ferrers Nursery & Infant School