Year 1 Curriculum for Spring Term

  Letter Home 16 July 2024  

Hello Visitor,

This year we are making some changes to our planned topics as we embark on a new approach to planning and teaching the foundation subjects. As a school we are investing in a scheme called: Kapow – this scheme ensures lessons are progressive throughout our entire school which means that skills are embedded and build upon in a way which ensures knowledge is developed on secure foundations.

Therefore our new topics this term is: Journeys.

This term we will continue to develop the Talk 4 Writing approach to writing in order to develop skills necessary to write in various forms e.g. reports, story writing, instruction writing etc. During our Journey topic the children will be using Non-Fiction texts to create non-chronological reports with an outer space theme. The children will be taught how to navigate a contents page as well as develop a better understanding of new vocabulary by using the Glossary. The children will then be immersed in poetry writing. The children will be generating toolkits for writing which will aid them in creating their own poems linked to Journeys.

Phonics is taught daily, we are moving onto teaching children alternative sounds for digraphs they already know e.g. ai as in aim, ay as in tray. We will also be teaching split digraphs e.g. o-e was in rose, a-e as in cake etc. We are continuing to teach the reading and spelling of tricky words, these are known as Helpful words in the Floppys Phonics scheme.

Please continue to support your children by reading with them frequently at home.

Following the Maths Mastery approach (practical, pictorial, abstract) the children will be securing number facts by being asked to:
• Describe a puzzle or problem using numbers, practical materials and diagrams and use these to solve the problem.
• Use the vocabulary and symbols related to addition and subtraction to describe and record addition and subtraction number sentences.
• Describe patterns and relationships between numbers.
• Recall the doubles of all numbers to at least 10.
• Use the vocabulary of halves and quarters in context.
• Describe ways of solving puzzles and problems, explaining choices and decisions.
• Say the number that is 1 more or less than any given number, and 10 more or less for multiples of 10 (10,20,30,40, etc)
• Relate addition to counting on and recognise that addition can be done in any order. Use practical and informal written methods to support.
• Understand subtraction as ‘take away’ and find the ‘difference’ by counting up. Use practical and informal methods to support.
• Recognising and knowing the value of different coins and denominations
• Compare and describe length and height using mathematical terminology e.g. taller/shorter, tallest/shortest.

The children will be:
• Naming materials and their properties
• Waterproofing investigation.
• Comparing Animals
• Sorting and grouping animals.
• Identifying animals similarities and differences.

In art the focus is on paper-based 3D art forms, focusing on techniques like rolling paper tubes, shaping paper strips, and constructing imaginative sculptures. Children develop skills in creating 3D structures and applying painting skills in three-dimensional art, enhancing their understanding of form and construction.

The children will be learning about explorers past and present. They will gain an understanding of events in relation to the present day, comparing how exploration has changed over time. They will find out about great explorers of our time e.g. Ellen MacArthur and Matthew Henson, as well as learn about explorers from beyond our living memory e.g Christopher Coloumbus and Mary Kingsley.

We will be doing Gymnastics this term focusing on three key areas of agility, balance and co-ordination.

The children will:
• Make movements that are appropriate to the pulse and tempo of a piece of music.
• Choose instruments with appropriate timbre to represent sparkling fishes.
• Respond to dynamic changes in a piece of music.
• Create pitches and rhythms.
• Perform a layer of the music within an overall piece.

The children will be looking at different aspects of Judaism, including family life, the importance of Shabbat, and key stories.

The children will be taught to:
• Use computers more purposefully
• Log in and navigate around a computer
• Drag, drop, click and control a cursor using a mouse
• Use software tools to create art on the computer

Please practise reading regularly at home, 10 minutes per day is proven to enhance a child’s ability to read and enables them to meet age related expectations. This is key for all future learning across all subjects. Reading is vital. Please continue to use the children Phonics folders to practise the sounds taught in school each week. As we move through Level 5 phonics the children will learn lots of alternative ways to make one sound e.g. ai/ay/a-e = snail, play, came. Practise at home helps the children to consolidate and embed their new knowledge.

Useful websites

English -

English & Maths -

We thank you for your continued support this year.

Mrs Brown (Year 1 lead)
Miss Fairbairn
Mrs Russell
Mrs Clarke

Higham Ferrers Nursery & Infant School