Reception Reading Pledge

  Letter Home 16 July 2024  

Hello Visitor,

Reading Pledge

Learning to read is one of the most important skills that your child will develop over the coming years. The more support and encouragement that you can offer your child, the more likely it is that he or she will make good progress and develop a love of reading. 

At school we are using the Oxford Reading Tree series to take your child through the early stages of learning to read. This series links into the systematic approach to phonics teaching which takes place from your child’s first day at school.

Our “Floppys Phonics” programme teaches the children all the sounds needed to become competent readers. 

The teaching of sounds takes place daily in school. The practice of this teaching needs to take place daily at home in order to give your child the best start to their reading journey. 

We send your child home with a reading book to share with you. Inside the front cover there is a guide on how to best help them, including key questions to ask and identifying key sounds to practise. 

You may also like to visit for further information about phonics, early reading and for free resources and eBooks. 

We believe that with the skilled teaching of reading at school combined with the support of enthusiastic parents at home, we can give the children the reading skills which will benefit them throughout their lives.    

We would love to see more children reading at home, this can be any story they share with you or their school reading book. Please remember to write in their reading records so we can see the support your child is receiving and how your child’s love of books is developing. 

Please sign our Reading Pledge: (and return to school)

Thank you for your continued support 

Mrs L. Brown

Reading Leader


Reading Pledge

I understand the importance of reading with my child in giving them the best opportunity to succeed in school and in life. 

I pledge to: 

  • Read with my child for 10 minutes every day. 
  • Share stories to develop a love of reading. 

My childs name: …………………………………………………………. Date: ………………………………………………………

Signature: …………………………………………………………………………