Story Time in Year 1 and Year 2

  Letter Home 16 July 2024  

Hello Visitor,

Story Time


We know immersing children in stories enhances learning in the wider curriculum, so here at HFNIS we make story time a priority.

Starting after October half term, we will be having a weekly Story Share in class. This works similar to Show and Tell but with a focus on stories. Every week the class teacher will select a child who has been trying hard in reading skills lessons, and reading regularly at home to bring in a book from home to share with the class during story time. Story share will take place every Wednesday.

Story Share selection slips will be placed into book bags on a Monday so the children have time to decide on which book they would like to bring to school on Wednesday.

We look forward to sharing your child’s favourite book with them and the class.

Many thanks

Mrs Brown
Reading and Phonics Leader

Higham Ferrers Nursery & Infant School